Robin Larrieu |
List of software packages
Proof-of-concept software and research implementations
tower (source code here)
An experimental C++/NTL implementation for the
computation in finite field extensions. Joint work with Luca De Feo.
redbivar (source code here)
SageMath implementation of
the algorithms for bivariate Gröbner bases from
Fast reduction
of bivariate polynomials with respect to sufficiently regular
Gröbner bases (with Joris van der Hoeven, ISSAC 2018) and
Fast Gröbner basis computation and polynomial reduction for
generic bivariate ideals (with Joris van der Hoeven, AAECC, 2019).
Installation instructions
Refer to the README file provided with the source code.
quasi-optimal implementation for the Grevlex Gröbner basis and
computation of normal form in the generic bivariate case. See
Gröbner basis computation and polynomial reduction for generic
bivariate ideals (with Joris van der Hoeven, AAECC, 2019).
Presented as software demonstration in ISSAC 2019
multiplication of polynomials in
X]; joint work with Joris van
der Hoeven and Grégoire Lecerf. See
Implementing fast
carryless multiplication (with Joris van der Hoeven and
Grégoire Lecerf, MACIS 2017).
Installation instructions
These packages are included in the standard distribution of the Mathemagix software; you may simply follow the
instructions from the installation page and refer to the
README file provided in the package directory.
Alternatively, to compile only a specific package and its
dependencies, you can do
svn checkout svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/mmx
cd mmx
./configure --enable-<package> [--enable-bench] [--enable-test]
When the option --enable-bench is
passed to configure, additional benchmarks programs are compiled. The
source code is in the <package>/bench/
directory, and the executables are in <package>/build/.
When the option --enable-test is
passed to configure, additional test programs are compiled. The source
code is in the <package>/test/ directory. To run
the tests, simply type
© 2019 Robin Larrieu